Privacy Policy

At Nadezhda Tereshkova Team, we prioritize your privacy. We're committed to protecting your rights and maintaining robust privacy standards which reflect our data processing practices.

This Privacy Policy is intended to help you understand, in a transparent and clear manner, how and why we process your personal data when you use our mobile applications that comply with all Apple guidelines and policies.

1. Data Storage

Most of the personal data you provide is stored on your device. We uphold this principle to ensure maximum data privacy and security. If you wish to clear this data, your control is absolute. You can do so just by deleting our app from your device. This will erase any data that has been stored or collected.

2. Usage of Data

We rarely use your personal data. Except for marketing attribution data, we refrain from using your data unless it's vital for enhancing our services. And even then, your permission is paramount. Before using such data, we always request your consent. We believe in an informed user base, and your approval guides our actions.

3. Legal Basis for Processing

We collect and process your data based on your explicit consent. You have the freedom to either give or withdraw your consent at any point in time.

4. Confidentiality

Rest assured, we uphold a high standard of confidentiality. We are committed to ensuring the non-disclosure of your personal information to any third parties unless required by law or with your express consent.

5. Your Rights

In accordance with privacy laws, you have the right to access, correct, delete, and limit the processing of your personal data. You also have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

6. Data Security

Nadezhda Tereshkova Team is committed to securing your data. We implement various safety measures to protect your data from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction.

7. Changes To This Policy

We may make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time. We encourage you to review this page periodically to stay updated on any such changes.

This policy is effective from 2024-01-01.

8. Contacts

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, please contact us at

At Nadezhda Tereshkova Team, we remain dedicated to maintaining your trust, privacy, and the security of your information. Your privacy is our priority.